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求助:转化代码  发帖心情 Post By:2012/6/8 10:19:00 [只看该作者]






'This program calculates an estimate of the Hurst coefficient.

'Written by Martin Sewell <martin@martinsewell.com>

Sub Hurst()

    Dim Data()

    Dim Array1()

    Dim Array2()

    Dim Mean

    Dim Result()


    Dim NoOfDataPoints As Integer


    Dim NoOfPlottedPoints As Integer

    Dim PlottedPointNo As Integer


    Dim NoOfPeriods As Integer

    Dim PeriodNo As Integer


    Dim N As Integer

    Dim i As Integer

    Dim m As Integer

    Dim logten

    Dim R

    Dim S

    Dim RS

    Dim SumSquared


    logten = Log(10)


    'Delete any previous results

    Worksheets("Data").Range("C3").Value = Null

    Worksheets("Data").Range("D:D").Value = Null

    Worksheets("Data").Range("E:E").Value = Null


    'Get total number of data points

    NoOfDataPoints = Worksheets("Data").Range("C1").Value


    ReDim Data(NoOfDataPoints)


    'Get data, ignoring any spaces

    i = 1

    counter = 1

    Do While counter <= NoOfDataPoints

        Set curCell = Worksheets("Data").Cells(i, 1)

        If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(curCell.Value) Then

            Data(counter) = curCell.Value

            counter = counter + 1

        End If

        i = i + 1



    NoOfPlottedPoints = NoOfDataPoints - 2

    ReDim Result(NoOfPlottedPoints, 2)


    'Begin main loop

    For N = 3 To NoOfDataPoints


        totalR = 0

        totalS = 0


        NoOfPeriods = NoOfDataPoints - N + 1


        For PeriodNo = 1 To NoOfPeriods

            ReDim Array1(N)

            ReDim Array2(N)


            For i = 1 To N

                Array1(i) = Data((PeriodNo - 1) + i)

                Array2(i) = 0

            Next i

            Summ = 0

            SumSquared = 0

            For i = 1 To N

                Summ = Summ + Array1(i)

                SumSquared = SumSquared + ((Array1(i)) * (Array1(i)))


            Next i

            Mean = Summ / N


            'S = Sqr((SumSquared - (Summ * Summ) / N) / (N - 1))



            S = Sqr((SumSquared - (Summ * Summ) / N) / N)


            For i = 1 To N

                Array1(i) = Array1(i) - Mean

            Next i


            For i = 1 To N

                For j = 1 To i

                    Array2(i) = Array2(i) + Array1(j)

                Next j

            Next i


            Maxi = Array2(1)

            Mini = Array2(1)

            For i = 1 To N

                If Array2(i) > Maxi Then Maxi = Array2(i)

                If Array2(i) < Mini Then Mini = Array2(i)

            Next i


            R = Maxi - Mini

            totalR = totalR + R

            totalS = totalS + S


        Next PeriodNo


        R = totalR / NoOfPeriods

        S = totalS / NoOfPeriods

        RS = R / S


      PlottedPointNo = N - 2

        Result(PlottedPointNo, 1) = (Log(N)) / logten

        Result(PlottedPointNo, 2) = (Log(RS)) / logten


    Next N


    Sumx = 0

    Sumy = 0

    Sumxy = 0

    Sumxx = 0


    For i = 1 To NoOfPlottedPoints

        Worksheets("Data").Cells(i + 6, 4).Value = Result(i, 1)

        Worksheets("Data").Cells(i + 6, 5).Value = Result(i, 2)

        Sumx = Sumx + Result(i, 1)

        Sumy = Sumy + Result(i, 2)

        Sumxy = Sumxy + (Result(i, 1)) * (Result(i, 2))

        Sumxx = Sumxx + (Result(i, 1)) * (Result(i, 1))

    Next i


    'Calculate Hurst coefficient

    H = (Sumxy - ((Sumx * Sumy) / NoOfPlottedPoints)) / (Sumxx - ((Sumx * Sumx) / NoOfPlottedPoints))

    Worksheets("Data").Range("C3").Value = H


End Sub

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  发帖心情 Post By:2012/6/8 10:26:41 [只看该作者]

