我司技术服务人员将优先处理 VIP客服论坛 服务贴,普通区问题处理速度慢,请耐心等待。谢谢您对我们的支持与理解。

金字塔客服中心 - 专业程序化交易软件提供商金字塔软件高级功能研发区 → 到期合约换月自动移仓代码


我司技术服务人员将优先处理 VIP客服论坛 服务贴,普通区问题处理速度慢,请耐心等待。谢谢您对我们的支持与理解。    



  1楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

加好友 发短信
等级:蜘蛛侠 帖子:1366 积分:5210 威望:0 精华:7 注册:2010/12/11 18:00:33
老师帮忙编写个程序  发帖心情 Post By:2012/11/3 9:06:00 [只看该作者]










public iMultipliter   

public ZhuLiCode,AccountID   '主力合约,账户

 Call Application.SetTimer(2,1000*30)  '使用定时器30秒轮询
End Sub

Sub Application_Timer(ID)
 'Application.MsgOut CDate(Time)
 if weekday(cdate(date),vbMonday)>=6 then  '周六、周日不执行
  exit sub
 end if 
 If CDate(Time)>=cdate("10:0000") then    '10:00-10:10判断是否需要移仓
  If CDate(Time)<=cdate("10:10:00") then
   TotalAccount=Cdbl(Document.GetPrivateProfileString("Gen","AccountCount",0,"C:\YcSet.Ini"))  '账户数
   For j=1 to TotalAccount
    CurrentAccount=Document.GetPrivateProfileString("Gen","Account" & Cstr(j) & "_Code",0,"C:\YcSet.Ini")  '本账户号码
    Yc=Document.GetPrivateProfileString("Gen","Account" & Cstr(j) & "_Yc",0,"C:\YcSet.Ini")  '是否移仓
    if Yc=1 then
     GetAllHolding CurrentAccount
    end if 
  end if
 end if  
End Sub

Sub GetContract(sCode,sMarket)
 'Application.MsgOut sCode & "," & sMarket
 Call Order.Contract(sCode,sMarket,Multipliter,MinTick,ShortPercent,LongPercent)
 'application.MsgOut iMultipliter
End Sub

Sub GetAllHolding(sAccount)
  dim i,k
  dim BuyHold
 dim BuyCost
 dim SellHold
 dim SellCost
 dim CurCode
 dim CurMarket

  On Error resume Next
  If HoldingCount>0 then
   For i=0 to HoldingCount-1
    Call Order.HoldingInfo2(i,BuyHolding,BuyCost,BuyTodayHolding,SellHolding,SellCost,SellTodayHolding,PNL,UseMargin,Code,Market,sAccount)
    AutoYiCang CurCode,CurMarket,BuyHold,SellHold,sAccount  '自动移仓
  End If 
End Sub

sub AutoYiCang(sCode,sMarket,iBuy,iSell,sAcc)
 dim PreCode
 dim i
 for i=1 to len(sCode)
  if isnumeric(mid(sCode,i,1)) then
   exit for
  end if 
 'application.MsgOut "i:" & i & ",PreCode:" & PreCode & ",sAcc:" & sAcc
 GetContractCode sMarket,PreCode
 if sCode<>ZhuLiCode And left(ZhuLiCode,i-1)=left(sCode,i-1) then  '不是持有主力合约
  if iBuy>0 then
   PingDuoDan 0,sCode,sMarket,iBuy,sAcc
   KaiDuoDan 0,ZhuLiCode,sMarket,iBuy,sAcc
  end if
  if iSell>0 then
   PingKongDan 0,sCode,sMarket,iSell,sAcc
   KaiKongDan 0,ZhuLiCode,sMarket,iSell,sAcc
  end if
 end if
end sub

Sub GetContractCode(sMarketCode,sStockPre)    '根据市场编码取得主力合约编码
 If sMarketCode="" then
  exit sub
 End if 
 contractvolume = 0
 n = marketdata.GetReportCount(sMarketCode)
 For j = 0 To n - 1
  Set report1 = marketdata.GetReportDataByIndex(sMarketCode, j)
  suffixlabel = Right(report1.Label, 2)
  If sStockPre=left(report1.Label,len(sStockPre)) then
   If suffixlabel = "00" Then
   End If
   If cdbl(suffixlabel) >= 1 And cdbl(suffixlabel) <= 12 Then
    If report1.volume = ZhuLiVol Then
     ZhuLiCode = report1.Label
     'application.MsgOut ZhuLiCode
     exit for
    End If
   End If
  End if 
End Sub

Sub KaiDuoDan(nPrice,sCode,sMarket,iOrdVol,sAccount)  '开多单,nPrice=0时为市价,否则就是传递过来的价
 'application.MsgOut "iOrdVol:" & iOrdVol & "," & sCode & "," & sMarket & "," & sAccount & "," & nPrice
 If iOrdVol>0 then
  If nPrice=0 then
   'application.MsgOut "sCode,sMarket,AccountID:" & sCode & "," & sMarket & "," & AccountID
   Call Order.Buy(1,iOrdVol,0,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)     '市价开多单
   Call Order.Buy(0,iOrdVol,nPrice,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)   '限价开多单
  End If 
 End If
End Sub

Sub KaiKongDan(nPrice,sCode,sMarket,iOrdVol,sAccount)  '开空单,nPrice=0时为市价,否则就是传递过来的价
 'application.MsgOut "iOrdVol:" & iOrdVol & "," & sCode & "," & sMarket & "," & sAccount & "," & nPrice
 If iOrdVol>0 then
  If nPrice=0 then
   Call Order.BuyShort(1,iOrdVol,0,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)    '市价开空单
   Call Order.BuyShort(0,iOrdVol,nPrice,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)   '限价开空单
  End If 
 End If
End Sub

Sub PingDuoDan(nPrice,sCode,sMarket,iOrdVol,sAccount)  '平多单,nPrice=0时为市价,否则就是传递过来的价
 If iOrdVol>0 then
  If nPrice=0 then
   Call Order.Sell(1,iOrdVol,0,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)    '市价平多单
   Call Order.Sell(0,iOrdVol,nPrice,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)   '限价平多单
  End If 
 End If
End Sub
Sub PingKongDan(nPrice,sCode,sMarket,iOrdVol,sAccount)  '平空单,nPrice=0时为市价,否则就是传递过来的价
 If iOrdVol>0 then
  If nPrice=0 then
   Call Order.SellShort(1,iOrdVol,0,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)    '市价平空单
   Call Order.SellShort(0,iOrdVol,nPrice,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)   '限价平空单
  End If 
 End If
End Sub




获赠金币帖,共获得 0 个金币
  2楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

加好友 发短信
等级:论坛游侠 帖子:252 积分:1001 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2010/2/15 16:47:58
  发帖心情 Post By:2012/11/3 11:16:53 [只看该作者]










public iMultipliter   

public ZhuLiCode,AccountID   '主力合约,账户

 Call Application.SetTimer(2,1000*30)  '使用定时器30秒轮询
End Sub

Sub Application_Timer(ID)
 'Application.MsgOut CDate(Time)
 if weekday(cdate(date),vbMonday)>=6 then  '周六、周日不执行
  exit sub
 end if 
 If CDate(Time)>=cdate("10:0000") then    '10:00-10:10判断是否需要移仓
  If CDate(Time)<=cdate("10:10:00") then
   TotalAccount=Cdbl(Document.GetPrivateProfileString("Gen","AccountCount",0,"C:\YcSet.Ini"))  '账户数
   For j=1 to TotalAccount
    CurrentAccount=Document.GetPrivateProfileString("Gen","Account" & Cstr(j) & "_Code",0,"C:\YcSet.Ini")  '本账户号码
    Yc=Document.GetPrivateProfileString("Gen","Account" & Cstr(j) & "_Yc",0,"C:\YcSet.Ini")  '是否移仓
    if Yc=1 then
     GetAllHolding CurrentAccount
    end if 
  end if
 end if  
End Sub

Sub GetContract(sCode,sMarket)
 'Application.MsgOut sCode & "," & sMarket
 Call Order.Contract(sCode,sMarket,Multipliter,MinTick,ShortPercent,LongPercent)
 'application.MsgOut iMultipliter
End Sub

Sub GetAllHolding(sAccount)
  dim i,k
  dim BuyHold
 dim BuyCost
 dim SellHold
 dim SellCost
 dim CurCode
 dim CurMarket

  On Error resume Next
  If HoldingCount>0 then
   For i=0 to HoldingCount-1
    Call Order.HoldingInfo2(i,BuyHolding,BuyCost,BuyTodayHolding,SellHolding,SellCost,SellTodayHolding,PNL,UseMargin,Code,Market,sAccount)
    AutoYiCang CurCode,CurMarket,BuyHold,SellHold,sAccount  '自动移仓
  End If 
End Sub

sub AutoYiCang(sCode,sMarket,iBuy,iSell,sAcc)
 dim PreCode
 dim i
 for i=1 to len(sCode)
  if isnumeric(mid(sCode,i,1)) then
   exit for
  end if 
 'application.MsgOut "i:" & i & ",PreCode:" & PreCode & ",sAcc:" & sAcc
 GetContractCode sMarket,PreCode
 if sCode<>ZhuLiCode And left(ZhuLiCode,i-1)=left(sCode,i-1) then  '不是持有主力合约
  if iBuy>0 then
   PingDuoDan 0,sCode,sMarket,iBuy,sAcc
   KaiDuoDan 0,ZhuLiCode,sMarket,iBuy,sAcc
  end if
  if iSell>0 then
   PingKongDan 0,sCode,sMarket,iSell,sAcc
   KaiKongDan 0,ZhuLiCode,sMarket,iSell,sAcc
  end if
 end if
end sub

Sub GetContractCode(sMarketCode,sStockPre)    '根据市场编码取得主力合约编码
 If sMarketCode="" then
  exit sub
 End if 
 contractvolume = 0
 n = marketdata.GetReportCount(sMarketCode)
 For j = 0 To n - 1
  Set report1 = marketdata.GetReportDataByIndex(sMarketCode, j)
  suffixlabel = Right(report1.Label, 2)
  If sStockPre=left(report1.Label,len(sStockPre)) then
   If suffixlabel = "00" Then
   End If
   If cdbl(suffixlabel) >= 1 And cdbl(suffixlabel) <= 12 Then
    If report1.volume = ZhuLiVol Then
     ZhuLiCode = report1.Label
     'application.MsgOut ZhuLiCode
     exit for
    End If
   End If
  End if 
End Sub

Sub KaiDuoDan(nPrice,sCode,sMarket,iOrdVol,sAccount)  '开多单,nPrice=0时为市价,否则就是传递过来的价
 'application.MsgOut "iOrdVol:" & iOrdVol & "," & sCode & "," & sMarket & "," & sAccount & "," & nPrice
 If iOrdVol>0 then
  If nPrice=0 then
   'application.MsgOut "sCode,sMarket,AccountID:" & sCode & "," & sMarket & "," & AccountID
   Call Order.Buy(1,iOrdVol,0,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)     '市价开多单
   Call Order.Buy(0,iOrdVol,nPrice,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)   '限价开多单
  End If 
 End If
End Sub

Sub KaiKongDan(nPrice,sCode,sMarket,iOrdVol,sAccount)  '开空单,nPrice=0时为市价,否则就是传递过来的价
 'application.MsgOut "iOrdVol:" & iOrdVol & "," & sCode & "," & sMarket & "," & sAccount & "," & nPrice
 If iOrdVol>0 then
  If nPrice=0 then
   Call Order.BuyShort(1,iOrdVol,0,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)    '市价开空单
   Call Order.BuyShort(0,iOrdVol,nPrice,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)   '限价开空单
  End If 
 End If
End Sub

Sub PingDuoDan(nPrice,sCode,sMarket,iOrdVol,sAccount)  '平多单,nPrice=0时为市价,否则就是传递过来的价
 If iOrdVol>0 then
  If nPrice=0 then
   Call Order.Sell(1,iOrdVol,0,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)    '市价平多单
   Call Order.Sell(0,iOrdVol,nPrice,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)   '限价平多单
  End If 
 End If
End Sub
Sub PingKongDan(nPrice,sCode,sMarket,iOrdVol,sAccount)  '平空单,nPrice=0时为市价,否则就是传递过来的价
 If iOrdVol>0 then
  If nPrice=0 then
   Call Order.SellShort(1,iOrdVol,0,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)    '市价平空单
   Call Order.SellShort(0,iOrdVol,nPrice,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)   '限价平空单
  End If 
 End If
End Sub

  3楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

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等级:新手上路 帖子:20 积分:0 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2014/11/2 10:22:42
  发帖心情 Post By:2015/4/2 21:35:59 [只看该作者]

感觉有些复杂,建议是否将自动换月的功能加入到软件中. 比如可以在主连上跑策略,程序自动实现换月.

  4楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

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等级:论坛游侠 帖子:258 积分:0 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2014/2/18 11:04:12
  发帖心情 Post By:2016/9/23 21:42:45 [只看该作者]

2016-09-23 21:00:00.119    【图表】TA00 运行完毕
2016-09-23 21:00:00.119    【图表】MA00 运行完毕
2016-09-23 21:00:00.119    【图表】RM00 运行完毕
2016-09-23 21:00:00.119    【图表】CF00 运行完毕
2016-09-23 21:00:01.133    【图表】FG00 运行完毕
2016-09-23 21:00:01.133    【图表】ZC00 运行完毕
2016-09-23 21:00:02.147    【图表】J01 运行完毕
2016-09-23 21:00:02.147    【图表】M00 运行完毕
2016-09-23 21:00:02.147    【图表】RU00 运行完毕
2016-09-23 21:00:02.147    【图表】Y00 运行完毕
2016-09-23 21:00:02.147    【图表】HC00 运行完毕
2016-09-23 21:00:02.147    【图表】RB00 运行完毕
2016-09-23 21:00:02.147    【图表】AL00 运行完毕
2016-09-23 21:00:02.147    【图表】I00 运行完毕
2016-09-23 21:25:12.401    【下单】J01 价0.000000 量1 买卖1 类型1 开平1 账户600802 Formula 1
2016-09-23 21:25:12.417    【下单】JD01 价0.000000 量1 买卖0 类型1 开平0 账户600802 Formula 1
2016-09-23 21:25:12.417    【指令】收到回报指令 ID = 304206137
2016-09-23 21:25:12.433    【回报】600802 : j1701 - 已报单 1 价格:1249.5 平 卖
2016-09-23 21:25:12.511    【指令】收到回报指令 ID = 304206138
2016-09-23 21:25:12.511    【回报】600802 : jd1701 - 已报单 1 价格:3378 开 买
2016-09-23 21:25:12.511    【指令】收到回报指令 ID = 304206137
2016-09-23 21:25:12.587    【指令】收到回报指令 ID = 304206138
2016-09-23 21:25:12.597    【回报】600802 : JD01 鸡蛋1701 - 已撤单 量:1
2016-09-23 21:25:12.597    【指令】收到回报指令 ID = 304206138
2016-09-23 21:25:12.597    【指令】收到回报指令 ID = 304206137
2016-09-23 21:25:12.657    【指令】收到成交回报指令 ORDERID = 304206137
2016-09-23 21:25:12.677    【回报】600802 : j1701 - 已成交 1 价格:1250.5 平 卖
2016-09-23 21:25:12.677    【回报】600802 : j1701 - 全部成交 1
2016-09-23 21:27:47.744    【同步】600802 : J01 理论持仓 多1 空0 实际持仓 多0 空0
2016-09-23 21:27:47.744    【图表】J01 理论持仓比实际持仓大,需要补仓
2016-09-23 21:27:47.764    【下单】J01 价0.000000 量1 买卖0 类型1 开平0 账户600802 Formula 1
2016-09-23 21:27:47.774    【指令】收到回报指令 ID = 304206139
2016-09-23 21:27:47.774    【回报】600802 : j1701 - 已报单 1 价格:1250.0 开 买
2016-09-23 21:27:47.774    【指令】收到回报指令 ID = 304206139
2016-09-23 21:27:47.774    【指令】收到回报指令 ID = 304206139
2016-09-23 21:27:47.784    【指令】收到成交回报指令 ORDERID = 304206139
2016-09-23 21:27:47.794    【回报】600802 : j1701 - 已成交 1 价格:1249.0 开 买
2016-09-23 21:27:47.794    【回报】600802 : j1701 - 全部成交 1
2016-09-23 21:31:12.647    【下单】P01 价0.000000 量1 买卖1 类型1 开平1 账户600802 Formula 1
2016-09-23 21:31:12.647    【下单】PP01 价0.000000 量1 买卖0 类型1 开平0 账户600802 Formula 1
2016-09-23 21:31:12.663    【指令】收到回报指令 ID = 304206140
2016-09-23 21:31:12.725    【回报】600802 : p1701 - 已报单 1 价格:5706 平 卖
2016-09-23 21:31:12.742    【指令】收到回报指令 ID = 304206140
2016-09-23 21:31:12.742    【指令】收到回报指令 ID = 304206140
2016-09-23 21:31:12.793    【指令】收到成交回报指令 ORDERID = 304206140
2016-09-23 21:31:12.803    【回报】600802 : p1701 - 已成交 1 价格:5710 平 卖
2016-09-23 21:31:12.803    【回报】600802 : p1701 - 全部成交 1
2016-09-23 21:31:12.853    【指令】收到回报指令 ID = 304206141
2016-09-23 21:31:12.863    【回报】600802 : pp1701 - 已报单 1 价格:7079 开 买
2016-09-23 21:31:12.903    【指令】收到回报指令 ID = 304206141
2016-09-23 21:31:12.913    【回报】600802 : PP01 聚丙烯1701 - 已撤单 量:1
2016-09-23 21:31:12.913    【指令】收到回报指令 ID = 304206141
