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金字塔客服中心 - 专业程序化交易软件提供商金字塔软件高级功能研发区 → 等价K线代码(原创)


我司技术服务人员将优先处理 VIP客服论坛 服务贴,普通区问题处理速度慢,请耐心等待。谢谢您对我们的支持与理解。    



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等价K线代码(原创)  发帖心情 Post By:2013/4/3 14:14:54 [只看该作者]


dim shanchu
shanchu = 0     '是否删除历史数据,1为需要

dim dangtianshuju '当日是否有数据,0为没有
dangtianshuju = 1

dim bili 
bili = 0.001    '等价线区间

dim xinheyue
xinheyue = "IF88"  '新等价K合约代码
dim xinmingcheng
xinmingcheng = "IF等价K线" '新等价K合约名称
dim xinshichang
xinshichang = "ZJ" '新等价K合约市场

dim laoheyue
laoheyue = "IF00" '标的合约代码
dim laoshichang
laoshichang = "ZJ" '标的合约市场
dim laozhishu
laozhishu = "IF13"

Sub lishishuju()

    cunzai = marketdata.IsExistStock(xinheyue,xinshichang)
    if cunzai = 0 then
       call marketdata.AddStock(xinheyue,xinshichang, xinmingcheng) 
       application.MsgOut "等价K线【创建成功】!"
       application.MsgOut "等价K线【已经存在】!"
    end if

    set Report1 = marketdata.GetReportData(laoheyue,laoshichang)    
    qj = Report1.Open*bili
    if shanchu = 1 then     
       Set History1 = marketdata.GetHistoryData(xinheyue,xinshichang,0)     
       for j = 0 to History1.Count-1
       call History1.InsertAt(0)
       History1.open(0) = Report1.Open
       History1.close(0) = Report1.Open
       History1.high(0) = Report1.Open
       History1.low(0) = Report1.Open
       History1.Date(0) = Report1.Date
       History1.Volume(0) = Report1.Volume
       History1.OpenInt(0) = Report1.OpenInt
       call History1.SaveData(xinheyue,xinshichang,1)        
       application.MsgOut "等价K线【历史数据初始化】成功!"
    end if
    set minutedata = marketdata.GetMinuteData(laoheyue,laoshichang)
    Count =  minutedata.Count
    for i = 1 to count-1 
        Set History2 = marketdata.GetHistoryData(xinheyue,xinshichang,0)      
        mxopen = History2.open(History2.Count-1)
        mxclose = History2.close(History2.Count-1)
        mxhigh = History2.high(History2.Count-1)
        mxlow = History2.low(History2.Count-1)
        mxDate = History2.Date(History2.Count-1)
        mxVolume = History2.Volume(History2.Count-1)
        mxOpenInt = History2.OpenInt(History2.Count-1)

        close = minutedata.newprice(i)
        fbDate = minutedata.Date(i)      
        Volume = minutedata.Volume(i)
        mxVolume = minutedata.Volume(i-1)
        OpenInt = minutedata.OpenInt(i)
        if close > mxhigh then mxhigh = close end if
        if close < mxlow  then mxlow = close end if
        mxdate = fbDate
        mxxVolume = (Volume-mxVolume)+mxxVolume
        mxOpenInt = OpenInt
        History2.close(History2.Count-1) = close
        History2.high(History2.Count-1) = mxhigh
        History2.low(History2.Count-1) = mxlow
        History2.Date(History2.Count-1) = mxdate  
        History2.Volume(History2.Count-1) = mxxVolume  
        History2.OpenInt(History2.Count-1) = mxOpenInt 
        call History2.SaveData(xinheyue,xinshichang,1)
        if abs(close-mxopen) > qj then
        call History2.InsertAt(History2.Count)
        History2.open(History2.Count-1) = close
        History2.close(History2.Count-1) = close
        History2.high(History2.Count-1) = close
        History2.low(History2.Count-1) = close
        History2.Date(History2.Count-1) = mxdate  
        History2.Volume(History2.Count-1) = 0   
        History2.OpenInt(History2.Count-1) = OpenInt  
        call History2.SaveData(xinheyue,xinshichang,1)   
        mxxVolume = 0 
        end if

End Sub

sub dengjiaK()‘第一次用的时候请先运行改宏创建等价K线数据
     call lishishuju()
end sub

    call Application.SetTimer(0,1000) '创建一个0号定时器,间隔时间1秒
End Sub

    if ID = 0 then

     if (cdate(time)<=cdate("11:30:00") and cdate(time)>cdate("9:15:00")) or (cdate(time)<=cdate("15:15:00") and cdate(time)>cdate("13:00:00")) then  
      set Report1 = marketdata.GetReportData(laoheyue,laoshichang)
         qj = Report1.Open*bili
      set Report2 = marketdata.GetReportData(laozhishu,laoshichang)  
        Set History2 = marketdata.GetHistoryData(xinheyue,xinshichang,0)      
        mxopen = History2.open(History2.Count-1)
        mxclose = History2.close(History2.Count-1)
        mxhigh = History2.high(History2.Count-1)
        mxlow = History2.low(History2.Count-1)
        mxDate = History2.Date(History2.Count-1)
        mxxVolume = History2.Volume(History2.Count-1)
        mxOpenInt = History2.OpenInt(History2.Count-1)
        set minutedata = marketdata.GetMinuteData(laoheyue,laoshichang)
        Count =  minutedata.Count     
        close = minutedata.newprice(Count-1)
        fbDate = minutedata.Date(Count-1) 
        mxVolume = minutedata.Volume(Count-2)
        Volume = minutedata.Volume(Count-1)
        OpenInt = minutedata.OpenInt(Count-1)
        if close > mxhigh then mxhigh = close end if
        if close < mxlow  then mxlow = close end if
        mxdate = fbDate
        mxxVolume = mxxVolume+(Volume-mxVolume)
        mxOpenInt =OpenInt
'        application.MsgOut mxxVolume&" "&Volume&" "&Volume-mxVolume

        History2.close(History2.Count-1) = close
        History2.high(History2.Count-1) = mxhigh
        History2.low(History2.Count-1) = mxlow
        History2.Date(History2.Count-1) = mxdate  
        History2.Volume(History2.Count-1) = mxxVolume  
        History2.OpenInt(History2.Count-1) = mxOpenInt  
        call History2.SaveData(xinheyue,xinshichang,1)
        if abs(close-mxopen) > qj then
        call History2.InsertAt(History2.Count)
        History2.open(History2.Count-1) = close
        History2.close(History2.Count-1) = close
        History2.high(History2.Count-1) = close
        History2.low(History2.Count-1) = close
        History2.Date(History2.Count-1) = mxdate  
        History2.Volume(History2.Count-1) = 0  
        History2.OpenInt(History2.Count-1) = OpenInt
        call History2.SaveData(xinheyue,xinshichang,1)
        mxxVolume = 0
        end if
     call Application.ActivateFrameWithCode("Technic",xinheyue,xinshichang,0)
     call Technic.Refresh      
    end if 
    end if 
end sub

Sub to_0()

Set History = marketdata.GetHistoryData("IF88","ZJ",0)
for i=0 to History.Count-1
History.Volume(i) = 0

call History.SaveData("IF88","ZJ",1)

End Sub

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