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金字塔客服中心 - 专业程序化交易软件提供商金字塔软件高级功能研发区 → [原创]按价位撤单追单


我司技术服务人员将优先处理 VIP客服论坛 服务贴,普通区问题处理速度慢,请耐心等待。谢谢您对我们的支持与理解。    



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等级:小飞侠 帖子:1882 积分:3310 威望:0 精华:15 注册:2010/3/15 13:11:56
[原创]按价位撤单追单  发帖心情 Post By:2012/11/5 22:03:14 [只看该作者]


sub timer1()
 dim index
 dim orderid
 dim consign
 dim filled
 dim remaining
 dim action
 dim ordertype
 dim lmtprice
 dim auxprice
 dim account
 dim code
 dim market
 dim multiplier
 dim mintick
 dim shortpercent
 dim longpercent
 dim offset

 count = order.ordernum2

 for i = 0 to count-1
  call order.orderinfo2(index, orderid, consign, filled, remaining, action, ordertype, lmtprice,auxprice, account, code, market)
  if ordertype=0 then
   order.contract code,market,multiplier,mintick,shortpercent,longpercent
   set report1 = marketdata.getreportdata(code,market)
   if abs(report1.newprice-lmtprice)>=offset*mintick then
    call order.cancelorder(orderid)
    if action=0 and kaiping=0 then
     order.buy 0,remaining,report1.newprice,0,code,market,account,0
    end if
    if action=0 and kaiping=1 then
     order.sell 0,remaining,report1.newprice,0,code,market,account,0
    end if
    if action=1 and kaiping=0 then
     order.buyshort 0,remaining,report1.newprice,0,code,market,account,0
    end if
    if action=1 and kaiping=1 then
     order.sellshort 0,remaining,report1.newprice,0,code,market,account,0
    end if    
   end if
  end if 
end sub
