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using OpenQuant.API;
using OpenQuant.API.Indicators;

using System.Drawing;

public class MyStrategy : Strategy
// quantity to buy on a trade
[Parameter("Order quantity (number of contracts to trade)")]
double Qty = 100;

[Parameter("Bar Block Size")]
int BarBlockSize = 6;

[Parameter("Length of SMA in blocks (weeks)", "SMA")]
int FastSMALength = 22;

[Parameter("Length of SMA in blocks (weeks)", "SMA")]
int SlowSMALength = 55;

int positionInBlock = 0;
bool buyOnNewBlock;
bool sellOnNewBlock;

// two moving averages
SMA fastSMA;
SMA slowSMA;

public override void OnStrategyStart()
// set up the fast average
fastSMA = new SMA(Bars, FastSMALength * 7, Color.Yellow);
Draw(fastSMA, 0);
// set up the slow average
slowSMA = new SMA(Bars, SlowSMALength * 7, Color.Pink);
Draw(slowSMA, 0);

public override void OnBarOpen(Bar bar)
// calc quantity to reverse a position
double orderQty = 2 * Qty;

if (!HasPosition)
orderQty = Qty;

if (positionInBlock == 0)
if (buyOnNewBlock)
Buy(orderQty, "Reverse to Long");

buyOnNewBlock = false;

if (sellOnNewBlock)
Sell(orderQty, "Reverse to Short");

sellOnNewBlock = false;

public override void OnBar(Bar bar)
// if our SMAs contain the current bar date
if (fastSMA.Contains(bar.DateTime) && slowSMA.Contains(bar.DateTime))
// see which one is above the other
Cross cross = fastSMA.Crosses(slowSMA, bar);

if (cross == Cross.Above)
buyOnNewBlock = true;

if (cross == Cross.Below)
sellOnNewBlock = true;

positionInBlock = (positionInBlock++) % BarBlockSize;

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