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金字塔客服中心 - 专业程序化交易软件提供商金字塔软件公式模型编写问题提交 → 如何编写出信号后回抽到五日线买入?


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  发帖心情 Post By:2016/11/14 10:09:42    Post IP:[只看该作者]

以下是引用jinzhe在2016-11-14 9:58:01的发言:

K线走完模式”转换成“固定轮询模式”或者“混合模式”的方法 以便把各个模型放在同一个框架内进行图表程序化交易 举例: 均线交叉模型(K线走完模型): runmode:0; ma5:=ma(c,5); ma20:=ma(c,20); entertime:=time>100000 and time<144500; if="if" holding="holding" >0 and ma5ma20 then sellshort(1,1,market); if holding=0 and ma5>ma20 and entertime then buy(1,1,market); if holding=0 and ma5=150000 then begin sell(1,1,market); sellshort(1,1,market); end 简单的改法,自然是把各个条件“过去化”,如:ma5 改为 ref(ma(c,5),1);但这种方法碰到大型的、复杂的模型时,容易出错 可采用这种方法,把holding用全局变量cc替换,然后加入红色部分代码,红色部分代码要放在信号语句的前面: runmode:0; variable:cc=0; ma5:=ma(c,5); ma20:=ma(c,20); entertime:=time>100000 and time<144500; if="if" holding="holding" >0 and cc<=0 then sell(1,1,limitr,o); if holding<0 and="and" cc="cc" >=0 then sellshort(1,1,limitr,o); if holding=0 and cc>0 then buy(1,1,limitr,o); if holding=0 and cc<0 then="then" buyshort(1,1,limitr,o); if="if" cc="cc" >0 and ma5ma20 then cc:=0; if cc=0 and ma5>ma20 and entertime then cc:=1; if cc=0 and ma5=150000 then begin cc:=0; end 那么,如果是 K线走完模式和盘中模式并存,怎么做呢?也简单,就是在“开盘价下单语句”后面加入蓝色部分的“盘中下单语句”就行了 如下: runmode:0; variable:zs=0,cc=0; ma5:=ma(c,5); ma20:=ma(c,20); entertime:=time>100000 and time<144500; if="if" holding="holding" >0 and cc<=0 then sell(1,1,limitr,o); if holding<0 and="and" cc="cc" >=0 then sellshort(1,1,limitr,o); if holding=0 and cc>0 then buy(1,1,limitr,o); if holding=0 and cc<0 then="then" buyshort(1,1,limitr,o); if="if" cc="cc" >0 and lzs then begin sellshort(1,1,limitr,max(o,zs+0.6)); cc:=0; end if cc>0 and ma5ma20 then cc:=0; if cc=0 and ma5>ma20 and entertime then begin cc:=1; zs:=c-10; end if cc=0 and ma5=150000 then begin cc:=0; end

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