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金字塔客服中心 - 专业程序化交易软件提供商金字塔软件公式模型编写问题提交 → 各位老师帮我看看后台交易语句是否正确


我司技术服务人员将优先处理 VIP客服论坛 服务贴,普通区问题处理速度慢,请耐心等待。谢谢您对我们的支持与理解。    



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等级:新手上路 帖子:47 积分:630 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2012/4/29 16:17:21
各位老师帮我看看后台交易语句是否正确  发帖心情 Post By:2012/6/14 14:08:14    Post IP:[只看该作者]



if ysr>yru and ysr>yzn and ysr>yl and ysr>yta and ysr>ycf and ysr>yrb and ysr>ycu and ysr>yy and ysr>yp and ysr>ya and ysr>ym then
     buy(1 and holding=0 and t1 and c>o1 and a4 ,1,thisclose); 
     tbuy(1 and holding=0 and t1 and c>o1 and a4 ,1,lmt,c,0,'','srx00');

if ysr<yru or ysr<yzn or ysr<yl or ysr<yta or ysr<ycf or ysr<yrb or ysr<ycu or ysr<yy or ysr<yp or ysr<ya or ysr<ym then
 SELL(1 and holding>0,0,thisclose);
 tsell(1 and b5 and holding > 0,0,lmt,c,0,'','srx00');

if  (t2)  then
 SELL(1 and holding>0,0,thisclose);
 tsell(1 and holding > 0,0,lmt,c,0);
if  (c<o1 and b5)  then
 SELL(1 and holding>0,0,thisclose);
 tsell(1 and holding > 0,0,lmt,c,0);



if ysr<yru and ysr<yzn and ysr<yl and ysr<yta and ysr<ycf and ysr<yrb and ysr<ycu and ysr<yy and ysr<yp and ysr<ya and ysr<ym  then
     buyshort(1 and holding = 0 and t1 and c<o1 and b5,1,thisclose);
     tbuyshort(1 and holding = 0 and t1 and c<o1 and b5,1,lmt,c,0,'','srx00');


if ysr>yru or ysr>yzn or ysr>yl or ysr>yta or ysr>ycf or ysr>yrb or ysr>ycu or ysr>yy or ysr>yp or ysr>ya or ysr>ym then
 sellshort(1 and holding<0,0,thisclose);
 tsellshort(1 and b5 and holding < 0,0,lmt,c,0,'','srx00');


if (t2) then
 sellshort(1 and holding<0,0,thisclose);
 TSELLshort(1 and holding <0,0,lmt,c,0);

if  (c<o1 and b5)  then
 SELLshort(1 and holding<0,0,thisclose);
 tsellshort(1 and holding< 0,0,lmt,c,0);


我加入后台交易  没反应  不知道问题在哪?
