
-  金字塔客服中心 - 专业程序化交易软件提供商  (http://weistock.com/bbs/index.asp)
--  高级功能研发区  (http://weistock.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=5)
----  原来在3.3版本正常的代码现在升级3.4后老是提示编译缺少history对象  (http://weistock.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=5&id=73427)

--  作者:qq代人发帖
--  发布时间:2014/12/23 10:43:18
--  原来在3.3版本正常的代码现在升级3.4后老是提示编译缺少history对象
for pzindex=0 To 5 step 1
  for zhouqi = 0 to 5 step 1
   if zhouqi<2 or zhouqi>4 then
    set History = marketdata.GetHistoryData(code(pzindex),market(pzindex),zhouqi)
    set mkt = marketdata.GetMarketInfo2(market(pzindex))
    if zhouqi<2 then Xa=cdate(today+mkt.opentime-cdate("1975-1-1")+cdate("00:0" & zhouqimin(zhouqi) & ":00"))
    if zhouqi<2 then Kn = mkt.TradeSeconds / 60 / zhouqimin(zhouqi)
    if zhouqi=5 then
     if cdate(time)>cdate(copentime) and History.Date(aaa)<>cdate(today) then strcon=strcon & code(pzindex) & " 当天日线缺失" & vbCrLf
     if History.Date(a)<cdate(today) then aa=aaa-a else aa=aaa-a+1
     mins = DateDiff("n",cdate(copentime),cdate(time))
     if mins>-1 and (cdate(time)<cdate("11:30:00") or cdate(time)>cdate("13:00:00")) then\'中午休市时不检查
      if cdate(time)<cdate("11:30:00") then
       mins = mins \\ zhouqimin(zhouqi)+1
      elseif cdate(time)>cdate("13:00:00") then
       mins = mins \\ zhouqimin(zhouqi)+1-90 \\ zhouqimin(zhouqi)
      end if
      if mins<>aa and aa<Kn then
       strcon=strcon & code(pzindex) & " 当天" & zhouqimin(zhouqi) & "分钟K线数目前为" & aa & ",应为" & mins & vbCrLf
      elseif aa>Kn then
       strcon=strcon & code(pzindex) & " 当天" & zhouqimin(zhouqi) & "分钟K线数目前为" & aa & ",应为" & Kn & vbCrLf
      end if
     end if
    end if
   end if

--  作者:redchina888
--  发布时间:2014/12/23 10:56:26
是不是因为有夜盘后  xa的写法有问题了Xa=cdate(today+mkt.opentime-cdate("1975-1-1")+cdate("00:0" & zhouqimin(zhouqi) & ":00"))
--  作者:王锋
--  发布时间:2014/12/23 11:52:18



--  作者:redchina888
--  发布时间:2014/12/23 14:06:35

Sub Chashuju2()\'盘中数据检查
 if Weekday(today)=1 or Weekday(today)=7 or  todaystop=1 then Exit Sub\'星期6和7不检查
 if cdate(time)>=cdate("08:59:00") and cdate(time)<=cdate("09:00:00") then \'开盘前8点59分先做一次账户检查
  Set mail = CreateObject("WWSCommon.SmtpMail")
  strcon= ""
  if order.Account2(2,"你的ctp账户")<>1 then strcon = strcon & "交易帐号未登陆" & vbCrLf
  if application.ReceiveDataStatus = 0 then strcon = strcon & "金字塔数据接收未启动" & vbCrLf
     with mail
          .SenderName = "程序化监督"
          .SenderAddress = "email@163.com"
          if strcomp(strcon,"")=0 then
           .Subject = "盘中检测已准备就绪" & cdate(date+time)
           strcon = "盘中检测已准备就绪"
           .Subject = "盘中检测异常" & cdate(date+time)
          end if
      end with
      call mail.AddReceiver("139","13688888888@139.com")
      call mail.AddTextContent(strcon)
      call mail.Sender("smtp.163.com","email@163.com","123456")
      Set mail = nothing
 end if
 if cdate(time)<cdate("09:15:00") or cdate(time)>cdate("15:15:00") then exit Sub\'只在所交易的合约开盘的时间内做检查,我交易合约是股指,所以定这个时间
 dim code(6)
 dim market(6)
 dim zhouqimin(2)
 strcon= ""
 if application.ReceiveDataStatus = 0 then application.ReceiveData(1)
 if order.Account2(2,"你的ctp账户")<>1 then strcon = strcon & "交易帐号未登陆" & vbCrLf
 if application.ReceiveDataStatus = 0 then strcon = strcon & "金字塔数据接收未启动" & vbCrLf

 Holding = Document.GetExtData("IFHOLDING")
 dim BuyHoding
 dim BuyTodayHoding
 dim SellHoding
 dim SellTodayHoding
 dim BuyCost
 dim SellCost
 dim PNL
 Dim UseMargin
 Result = Order.HoldingInfoByCode2(code(0),market(0),BuyHoding,BuyCost,BuyTodayHoding,SellHoding,SellCost,SellTodayHoding,PNL,UseMargin,"你的ctp登陆资金账号")
 If Result = 1 Then
  if Round(BuyHoding-SellHoding)<>Round(Holding) then
   strcon = strcon & code(0) & "持仓不同步,实际持仓" & Round(BuyHoding-SellHoding) & "手,应为" & Holding & "手" & vbCrLf
  end if
 End If

 for pzindex=0 To 5 step 1
  for zhouqi = 0 to 5 step 1
   if zhouqi<2 or zhouqi>4 then
    set History = marketdata.GetHistoryData(code(pzindex),market(pzindex),zhouqi)
    set mkt = marketdata.GetMarketInfo2(market(pzindex))
    if zhouqi<2 then Xa=cdate(today+mkt.opentime-cdate("1975-1-1")+cdate("00:0" & zhouqimin(zhouqi) & ":00"))
    if zhouqi<2 then Kn = mkt.TradeSeconds / 60 / zhouqimin(zhouqi)
    if zhouqi=5 then
     if cdate(time)>cdate(copentime) and History.Date(aaa)<>cdate(today) then strcon=strcon & code(pzindex) & " 当天日线缺失" & vbCrLf
     if History.Date(a)<cdate(today) then aa=aaa-a else aa=aaa-a+1
     mins = DateDiff("n",cdate(copentime),cdate(time))
     if mins>-1 and (cdate(time)<cdate("11:30:00") or cdate(time)>cdate("13:00:00")) then\'中午休市时不检查
      if cdate(time)<cdate("11:30:00") then
       mins = mins \\ zhouqimin(zhouqi)+1
      elseif cdate(time)>cdate("13:00:00") then
       mins = mins \\ zhouqimin(zhouqi)+1-90 \\ zhouqimin(zhouqi)
      end if
      if mins<>aa and aa<Kn then
       strcon=strcon & code(pzindex) & " 当天" & zhouqimin(zhouqi) & "分钟K线数目前为" & aa & ",应为" & mins & vbCrLf
      elseif aa>Kn then
       strcon=strcon & code(pzindex) & " 当天" & zhouqimin(zhouqi) & "分钟K线数目前为" & aa & ",应为" & Kn & vbCrLf
      end if
     end if
    end if
   end if
 secs = 100
 for i=0 to SigCount-1 step 1
  if states(i)=1 and (cdate(time)<cdate("11:30:00") or cdate(time)>cdate("13:00:00")) then\'进对已加载的公式检查状态,中午休市不检查
   secs = DateDiff("s",cdate(newtime(i)),cdate(time))
   if cdate(time)>cdate("09:31:00") and secs>60 then \'由于我的所有公式均是1分钟调用一次VBA函数READSIG,所以公式最近一次运行时间应该在60秒内,如果你的公式是5分钟的,那么这个时间要加大
    strcon = strcon & "策略" & i & "已超过" & secs & "秒没有执行" & vbCrLf
   end if
  end if
 if strcomp(strcon,"")=0 then
  if (cdate(time)<cdate("09:16:05") or (cdate(time)>cdate("13:00:00") and cdate(time)<cdate("13:01:05"))) and secs<120 then

   Set mail = CreateObject("WWSCommon.SmtpMail")
      with mail
           .SenderName = "程序化监督"
           .SenderAddress = "email@163.com"
           .Subject = "公式已开始运行" & cdate(date+time)
       end with
       call mail.AddReceiver("139","13688888888@139.com")
       call mail.AddTextContent("公式已开始运行")
       call mail.Sender("smtp.163.com","email@163.com","123456")
       Set mail = nothing
  end if
  if errorcount<3 or errorcount=5 then\'连续异常时,会有第1、第2、第5次通知;如果出现异常后,又恢复正常,异常通知次数会重新计算
   Set mail = CreateObject("WWSCommon.SmtpMail")
      with mail
           .SenderName = "程序化监督"
           .SenderAddress = "email@163.com"
           .Subject = "盘中异常通知第" & errorcount & "次 " & cdate(date+time)
       end with
       call mail.AddReceiver("139","13688888888@139.com")
       call mail.AddTextContent(strcon)
       call mail.Sender("smtp.163.com","email@163.com","123456")
       Set mail = nothing
      end if
    end if
End Sub

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:2015/1/15 11:25:55

or pzindex=0 To 5 step 1
  for zhouqi = 0 to 5 step 1
   if zhouqi<2 or zhouqi>4 then
    Application.MsgOut code(pzindex) & "--" & market(pzindex)
    set History = marketdata.GetHistoryData(code(pzindex),market(pzindex),zhouqi)


建议你多学习一下调试方法吧, 将code数组打印输出一下你就能看到, 是因为你没有读取到品种代码引起的History 为空导致的

--  作者:redchina888
--  发布时间:2015/1/15 20:04:51
非常感谢 继续努力学习