-- 作者:zw_zac
-- 发布时间:2019/9/19 11:16:18
-- 请问撤单后追单时为何会重复报单
dim i dim orderid dim consign dim filled dim remaining dim action dim ordertype dim lmtprice dim kaiping dim account dim code dim market dim multiplier dim mintick dim shortpercent dim longpercent dim offset offset=0
for i = 0 to order.ordernum2-1 call order.orderinfo2(i, orderid, consign, filled, remaining, action, ordertype, lmtprice, account,kaiping, code, market) if ordertype=0 then order.contract code,market,multiplier,mintick,shortpercent,longpercent set report1 = marketdata.getreportdata(code,market) if abs(report1.newprice-lmtprice)>offset*mintick then call order.cancelorder(orderid) if action=0 and kaiping=0 then order.buy 0,remaining,report1.sellprice1,0,code,market,account,0 end if if action=0 and kaiping=1 then order.sellshort 0,remaining,report1.sellprice1,0,code,market,account,0 end if if action=1 and kaiping=0 then order.buyshort 0,remaining,report1.buyprice1,0,code,market,account,0 end if if action=1 and kaiping=1 then order.sell 0,remaining,report1.buyprice1,0,code,market,account,0 end if end if end if set code = nothing set market = nothing set account = nothing next
交易日志如下: 2019-09-19 10:15:04 632716 : IC09 500股指1909 - 已撤单 量:1
2019-09-19 10:15:04 632716 : IC09 - 已报单 1 价格:5135.0 开 买
2019-09-19 10:15:05 632716 : IC09 - 已报单 1 价格:5135.0 开 买
2019-09-19 10:15:05 632716 : IC1909 - 已成交 1 价格:5134.8 开 买
2019-09-19 10:15:05 632716 : IC1909 - 全部成交 1
2019-09-19 10:15:05 632716 : IC1909 - 已成交 1 价格:5134.8 开 买
2019-09-19 10:15:05 632716 : IC1909 - 全部成交 1