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----  [分享]vba 加权平均数  (http://weistock.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=5&id=169434)

--  作者:lizhi
--  发布时间:2019/4/18 21:48:07
--  [分享]vba 加权平均数
Sub myWMA
 Dim StarTimer
  StarTimer = Timer    \'脚本开始运行的时间
 Dim histroyData,barsCount,i,n,length,sumPrice,sumLength
 Set histroyData = marketdata.GetHistoryData("000300","SH",5)
 barsCount = histroyData.Count \'沪深300指数的数据数量
 length = 200     \'计算均值的周期数
 sumPrice = 0 \'给变量赋初始值     
 n = 0   \'给变量赋初始值
 For i = barsCount - length to barsCount - 1
  n = n + 1          \'循环次数
  sumPrice = sumPrice + n * histroyData.Close(i) \'价格加权求和
 sumLength = (Length + 1) * Length / 2    \'加权系数求和 
 WMA = sumPrice / sumLength       \'加权平均数
 Application.ClearMsg   \'清除消息窗口中的输出值
 Application.MsgOut(sumLength) \'输出sumLength的值 
 Application.MsgOut(WMA)   \'输出WMA的值
 Set histroyData = Nothing \'从内存中释放对象变量
 MsgBox "脚本运行的时间=" & Timer - StarTimer & "秒。"
End Sub

--  作者:lizhi
--  发布时间:2019/4/18 21:55:06

Sub myWMA
    Dim starTimer
    starTimer = Timer    \'脚本开始运行的时间
    Dim histroyData,barsCount,i,n,length,sumPrice,sumLength
    Set histroyData = marketdata.GetHistoryData("000300","SH",5)
    barsCount = histroyData.Count     \'沪深300指数的数据数量
    length = 200     \'计算均值的周期数
    sumPrice = 0     \'给变量赋初始值     
    n = 0                \'给变量赋初始值
    For i = barsCount - length To barsCount - 1
        n = n + 1      \'循环次数
        sumPrice = sumPrice + n * histroyData.Close(i) \'价格加权求和
    sumLength = (Length + 1) * Length / 2    \'加权系数求和 
    WMA = sumPrice / sumLength                  \'加权平均数

    With Application
        .ClearMsg                     \'清除消息窗口中的输出值
        .MsgOut(sumLength)     \'输出sumLength的值 
        .MsgOut(WMA)              \'输出WMA的值

    End With
    Set histroyData = Nothing \'从内存中释放对象变量
    MsgBox "脚本运行的时间=" & Timer - starTimer & "秒。"
End Sub