
-  金字塔客服中心 - 专业程序化交易软件提供商  (http://weistock.com/bbs/index.asp)
--  公式模型编写问题提交  (http://weistock.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=4)
----  请问这样写法对吗??  (http://weistock.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=4&id=167663)

--  作者:baidus12
--  发布时间:2019/1/13 23:16:41
--  请问这样写法对吗??
多条件:=(r13>=5 and r13<=7) or (r13>=8 and r13<=10) or (r13>=11 and r13<=13) or (r13>=14 and r13<=16) or (r13>=17 and r13<=19) or (r13>=20 and r13<=22) or (r13>=23 and r13<=25) or (r13>=26 and r13<=28) or (r13>=29 and r13<=31); 空条件:=(r14>=5 and r14<=7) or (r14>=8 and r14<=10) or (r14>=11 and r14<=13) or (r14>=14 and r14<=16) or (r14>=17 and r14<=19) or (r14>=20 and r14<=22) or (r14>=23 and r14<=25) or (r14>=26 and r14<=28) or (r14>=29 and r14<=31);

--  作者:wenarm
--  发布时间:2019/1/14 8:39:18
