-- 作者:大侠鸟
-- 发布时间:2015/9/24 23:03:22
-- 【高频策略】利用挂单价差实现高频交易的策略
\'订阅数据,这里范例订阅IC00合约 Sub APPLICATION_VBAStart() marketdata.RegReportNotify "IC00", "ZJ" call application.SetTimer(1,500) End Sub
BuyOrder = 0 SellOrder = 0 HoldOk = 1 ModeStatus = 0 \'0无持仓 1持仓状态
Sub MARKETDATA_ReportNotify(ReportData) \'计算挂单价差 Diff = ReportData.SellPrice1 - ReportData.BuyPrice1 If ModeStatus =0 And HoldOk = 1 Then if Diff >= 5 Then \'当价差达到5个价位时,触发交易 \'application.MsgOut "diff"&diff HoldOk = 0 ModeStatus = 1 \'使用钓鱼方式挂单,比现有价格优惠一个变动价位,然后等待市场客户卖出给你 BuyOrder = Order.Buy(0,1,ReportData.BuyPrice1+0.2,0,"IC00","ZJ","",0) SellOrder = Order.BuyShort(0,1,ReportData.SellPrice1-0.2,0,"IC00","ZJ","",0) End If End If If ModeStatus = 1 And HoldOk = 1 Then If Diff <= 0.4 Then \'当价差缩回去时,市价平掉仓位 \'application.MsgOut "diff2"&diff HoldOk = 0 ModeStatus = 0 BuyOrder = Order.Sell(1,1,0,0,"IC00","ZJ","",0) SellOrder = Order.SellShort(1,1,0,0,"IC00","ZJ","",0) End If End If End Sub
\'收到成交回报后对标志位进行处理 Sub ORDER_OrderStatusEx2(OrderID, Status, Filled, Remaining, Price, Code, Market, OrderType, Aspect, Kaiping, Account, AccountType) OkThis = 0 If Status = "Tradeing" Then If OrderID = BuyOrder Then OkThis = 1 BuyOrder = 0 End If If OrderID = SellOrder Then OkThis = 1 SellOrder = 0 End If If BuyOrder = 0 And SellOrder = 0 And OkThis = 1 Then HoldOk = 1 End If End If \'下面的是不成交的追单处理模式 if status="Cancelled" and remaining>0 and Holdok=0 then if aspect=0 then if kaiping=0 then BuyOrder = order.Buy(1,remaining,0,0,Code,market,Account,0) else SellOrder = order.sellshort(1,remaining,0,0,code,market,Account,0) end if end if if aspect=1 then if kaiping=0 then SellOrder = order.Buyshort(1,remaining,0,0,code,market,Account,0) else BuyOrder = order.sell(1,remaining,0,0,code,market,Account,0) end if end if end if End Sub
\'定时器,用于处理挂单的不成交追单,这里不考虑价格是否合适,使用时还请用户自己更改算法 sub application_timer(id) IF ID =1 THEN for i=0 to order.OrderNum2-1 call order.OrderInfo2(i, OrderID, ConSign, Filled, Remaining, Action, OrderType, LmtPrice, Account, Kaiping, Code, Market) OrdTime=right(Order.OrderInfoTime2(i),8) aa=Datediff("s",OrdTime,Cdate(time)) \'application.MsgOut "ordtime="&aa \'application.MsgOut "cdsj="&cdsj if aa-2>=0 then \'超过间隔指定的秒数, Call Order.CancelOrder(OrderID,account) end if next end if END SUB
-- 作者:量化资产
-- 发布时间:2018/9/26 9:10:57
用在锌上试试 diff:=5;手数:=1;多持:=tbuyholding(1);空持:=tsellholding(1); 持价:=TAVGENTERPRICE; 挂单价差:(ASKPRICE-BIDPRICE)/diff,NOAXIS; DEBUGFILE(\'C:\\TEST.TXT\',\'挂单价差 %.0f\', 挂单价差);DEBUGOUT(\'挂单价差 %.0f\', 挂单价差); //开平仓条件 开仓条件:=挂单价差>=5;平仓条件:=挂单价差<=2; //开仓挂单 if 多持=0 and 空持=0 then begin tcancel(开仓条件=0 and tisremain(1)>0 ,1); //不满足条件就撤单 tcancel(开仓条件=0 and tisremain(3)>0 ,3); tbuy (开仓条件 and tisremain(1)=0,手数,lmt,BIDPRICE+diff,0); tbuyshort(开仓条件 and tisremain(3)=0,手数,lmt,ASKPRICE-diff,0); end //平仓挂单 if 多持>0 and 空持>0 then begin tcancel(平仓条件=0 and tisremain(2)>0 ,2); //不满足条件就撤单 tcancel(平仓条件=0 and tisremain(4)>0 ,4); tsell (平仓条件 and tisremain(2)=0,多持,lmt,ASKPRICE,0); tsellshort(平仓条件 and tisremain(4)=0,空持,lmt,BIDPRICE,0); end //单腿处理 if 多持=0 and 空持>0 then begin 买单挂条件 :=BIDPRICE<=持价-3*diff;卖单止损条件:=ASKPRICE>=持价+3*diff and not(买单挂条件); tcancel (卖单止损条件 or TSUBMIT(1)>60,1); //满足卖单止损条件,就撤开多单 tcancel (卖单止损条件=0 or TSUBMIT(4)>60,4); //不满足卖单止损条件或者平空单60秒未成交,就撤平空单 tbuy (卖单止损条件=0 and tisremain(4)=0 and tisremain(1)=0,手数,lmt,BIDPRICE+diff,0); tsellshort(卖单止损条件 and tisremain(4)=0 and tisremain(1)=0,空持,lmt,BIDPRICE+diff,0);//满足卖单止损条件,就平空单,追单 end if 多持>0 and 空持=0 then begin 卖单挂条件 :=ASKPRICE>=持价+3*diff;买单止损条件:=BIDPRICE<=持价-3*diff and not(卖单挂条件); tcancel (买单止损条件 or TSUBMIT(1)>60,3); tcancel (买单止损条件=0 or TSUBMIT(1)>60,2); tbuyshort (买单止损条件=0 and tisremain(3)=0 and tisremain(2)=0,手数,lmt,ASKPRICE-diff,0); tsell (买单止损条件 and tisremain(3)=0 and tisremain(2)=0,多持,lmt,ASKPRICE-diff,0); end
-- 作者:量化资产
-- 发布时间:2018/9/26 15:33:39
diff:=5;手数:=1; 多持:=tbuyholdingex(\'623637\' ,\'\',2 );空持:=tsellholdingex(\'623637\' ,\'\',2 ); DEBUGFILE(\'C:\\TEST.TXT\',\'多持 %.0f\', 多持);DEBUGOUT(\'多持 %.0f\', 多持); DEBUGFILE(\'C:\\TEST.TXT\',\'空持 %.0f\', 空持);DEBUGOUT(\'空持 %.0f\', 空持); 持价:=TAVGENTERPRICE;挂单价差:(ASKPRICE-BIDPRICE)/diff,NOAXIS; DEBUGFILE(\'C:\\TEST.TXT\',\'挂单价差 %.0f\', 挂单价差);DEBUGOUT(\'挂单价差 %.0f\', 挂单价差);
//开仓 开仓条件:=挂单价差>=5; if 多持=0 and 空持=0 then begin tbuy (开仓条件 and tisremain(1)=0,手数,lmt,BIDPRICE+diff,0); tbuyshort(开仓条件 and tisremain(3)=0,手数,lmt,ASKPRICE-diff,0); end //平仓 if 多持=0 and 空持>0 then begin tcancel (1,1); //撤开多单 //钓鱼挂止盈单//3跳利润 tsellshort(tisremain(4)=0,手数,lmt,持价-3*diff,0); //即时成交 即时成交止盈条件:=ASKPRICE<持价;//即时成交止盈单//1跳利润 即时成交止损条件:=ASKPRICE>=持价+5*diff;//即时成交止损单//5跳止损 if 即时成交止盈条件 or 即时成交止损条件 then begin tcancel (1,4); //撤钓鱼单 tsellshort(tisremain(4)=0,手数,lmt,ASKPRICE,0); end END if 多持>0 and 空持=0 then begin tcancel (1,3);//撤开空单 tsell (tisremain(2)=0,手数,lmt,持价+3*diff,0); 即时成交止盈条件:=BIDPRICE>持价; 即时成交止损条件:=BIDPRICE<=持价-5*diff; if 即时成交止盈条件 or 即时成交止损条件 then begin tcancel (1,2); tsell (tisremain(2)=0,手数,lmt,BIDPRICE,0); end END
-- 作者:量化资产
-- 发布时间:2018/9/26 23:12:57
后台 固定1秒轮询。 diff:=5;手数:=1; 多持:=tbuyholdingex(\'623637\' ,\'\',2 );空持:=tsellholdingex(\'623637\' ,\'\',2 ); DEBUGFILE(\'C:\\TEST.TXT\',\'多持 %.0f\', 多持);DEBUGOUT(\'多持 %.0f\', 多持); DEBUGFILE(\'C:\\TEST.TXT\',\'空持 %.0f\', 空持);DEBUGOUT(\'空持 %.0f\', 空持); 持价:=TAVGENTERPRICE;挂单价差:(ASKPRICE-BIDPRICE)/diff,NOAXIS; DEBUGFILE(\'C:\\TEST.TXT\',\'挂单价差 %.0f\', 挂单价差);DEBUGOUT(\'挂单价差 %.0f\', 挂单价差);
//开仓 开仓条件:=挂单价差>=5; if 多持=0 and 空持=0 then begin tbuy (开仓条件 and tisremain(1)=0,手数,lmt,BIDPRICE+diff,0); tbuyshort(开仓条件 and tisremain(3)=0,手数,lmt,ASKPRICE-diff,0); end //平仓 if 多持=0 and 空持>0 then begin tcancel (1,1); //撤开多单 //即时成交 即时成交止盈条件:=ASKPRICE<持价;//即时成交止盈单//1跳利润 即时成交止损条件:=ASKPRICE>=持价+5*diff;//即时成交止损单//5跳止损 if 即时成交止盈条件 or 即时成交止损条件 then begin tcancel (1,4); //撤钓鱼单//撤单后,到下一个TICK才能发出平仓单,因为撤单回报需要时间。 tsellshort(tisremain(4)=0,手数,lmt,ASKPRICE,0); end //钓鱼挂止盈单//3跳利润 tsellshort(tisremain(4)=0,手数,lmt,持价-3*diff,0); END if 多持>0 and 空持=0 then begin tcancel (1,3);//撤开空单 即时成交止盈条件:=BIDPRICE>持价; 即时成交止损条件:=BIDPRICE<=持价-5*diff; if 即时成交止盈条件 or 即时成交止损条件 then begin tcancel (1,2); tsell (tisremain(2)=0,手数,lmt,BIDPRICE,0); end tsell (tisremain(2)=0,手数,lmt,持价+3*diff,0); END
-- 作者:量化资产
-- 发布时间:2018/9/27 14:32:39
diff:=0.2;手数:=1; 多持:=tbuyholdingex(\'623637\' ,\'\',2 );空持:=tsellholdingex(\'623637\' ,\'\',2 ); 持价:=TAVGENTERPRICE;挂单价差:(ASKPRICE-BIDPRICE)/diff,NOAXIS; DEBUGFILE(\'C:\\TEST.TXT\',\'挂单价差 %.0f\', 挂单价差);DEBUGOUT(\'挂单价差 %.0f\', 挂单价差);
if 多持=0 and 空持=0 and 挂单价差>=5 then begin tbuy (tisremain(1)=0,手数,lmt,BIDPRICE+diff,0); tbuyshort(tisremain(3)=0,手数,lmt,ASKPRICE-diff,0); end //单腿 //即时成交止损单//5-10跳止损 if 多持=0 and 空持>0 and 挂单价差<3 and DYNAINFO(7)>=持价+10*diff then begin tsellshort(tisremain(4)=0,手数,lmt,ASKPRICE+5*diff,0); tcancel (1,1); END tcancel ( TSUBMIT(4)>10,4); if 多持>0 and 空持=0 and 挂单价差<3 and DYNAINFO(7)<=持价-10*diff then begin tsell (tisremain(2)=0,手数,lmt,BIDPRICE-5*diff,0); tcancel (1,3); END tcancel ( TSUBMIT(2)>10,2); //平仓 //即时成交止损单 if 多持>0 and 空持>0 and 挂单价差<2 then begin tsellshort(tisremain(4)=0,手数,lmt,ASKPRICE+5*diff,0); tsell (tisremain(2)=0,手数,lmt,BIDPRICE-5*diff,0); END